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Bikini Inu
Bikini Inu
100% of token supply permanently locked in Uniswap liquidity pool
The token supply was immediately added to the Uniswap Binu👙 and ETH pair then locked. This ensures there is no way to remove any starting liquidity from the Uniswap pool therefore removing any possibility of initial liquidity drawdown by the devs.
What is Bikini Inu?Think of Bikini Inu as a fair universal currency for the people. Created on July 5, 2021, in honor of National Bikini Day, this is a real project that will be constantly evolving. Binu👙 is coming to make the meme game sexy! Follow @BikiniInu on Twitter Join #NationalBikiniDay #Binu👙
Where can I get Binu👙The Uniswap link is here: ... The contract address is: ...
Was there a presale?NO Presale NO Team Tokens FAIR Launch
What are the tokenomics?1,000,000,000,000 Binu👙 were created. ALL of which are allocated to the liquidity pool, thereby providing a unique level of stability for Binu👙 relative to other coins 2% Reflection 5% Marketing / Buybacks 5% Team Fee
Bikini Inu For The Boys
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